Horoscopes define one’s karma according to astrology, whereas spirituality is about going beyond all that karmic stuff. Yet it doesn’t mean that one may ignore all those astrological predictions, once they dive into spirituality. Not many hit such highs at once that their karmic tendencies totally wither off on initiation. Thus, any astrological prediction may be used the following way to better oneself: “If your astrologer called you a spendthrift, then check if your awareness from Sadhana is hiking over time to see you spending wisely.”
Astrology is indeed meant to elevate oneself towards the Divine, whatever the karmic patterns. But, addressing people’s fears about worldly affairs, astrologers have made astrological remedies mere tools that fulfil desires. It is actually not the astrologers, who must be blamed; but people’s anxieties about the unknown future. Life is about people; and when people are involved, there are worries about inconsistencies in them, which has led to astrologers’ popularity nowadays. Likewise, many are now at Temples owing to fear or greed rather than seeking spiritual growth. This kinda people’s inability to handle uncertainties has mentally crippled them and eventually many astrologers have begun to monetize this.
It would be so wonderful if astrologers could straightforwardly talk on one’s karmic baggage that astrological remedies turn into spiritual methods of evolution. Also wish words such as “Manglik” and “Naga Dosha” (https://www.facebook.com/101649575475663/posts/134007072239913/) quit inducing fear. Accepted that spiritual processes may or may not grant total freedom from one’s astrological labels because the effectiveness of any spiritual process is wholly dependent on the practitioner. But, total adherence to Guru’s words will really end people’s miseries about any label.